In 1977 the Leopard C1 main battle tank was purchased for the Canadian Army. The Leopard C1 served in Canada, Germany, Bosnia, and Kosovo between 1978 and 2000. As the Leopard C1 aged a requirement to enhance the capabilities of the Leopard led to an improvement project that combined the hulls of the existing Leopard C1s with upgraded turrets ef ex-German Leopard 1A5s. The result was the Leopard C2 which entered service in 2000 and formed the backbone of Canada’s armoured force for seven years until the introduction of Canadian Leopard 2s.
Original art by Major (Ret’d) John Perry, CD
Text by Sergeant (Ret’d) Jason Bobrowich
14″ x 11″, 100lb pure white card stock.
$24.95 (+tax and shipping)